BREAD WINNER ****(L. H. & JCC) Mix dry ingredients in large bowl: 2 cups gf blend (6/2/1 rice/potato starch/tapioca) 1 cup potato starch 1/2 cup tapioca flour 2 Tbls. sugar 1 Tbls. xanthan gum 1 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup dry milk 1 pkg dry yeast 1 tsp unflavored gelatin Melt 2 Tbls butter or margarine into 1 1/2 cups 130 degrees.
Add water mixture to dry ingredients and mix.
Add 1 tsp rice vinegar.
Add 4 eggs, one at a time, and beat between each. (room temp eggs..warming in hot water works)
Beat three minutes or longer. Dough should not be too stiff...its hard to describe texture. Put into two regular loaf pans (5X9), one extra long pan, or it makes 12 hamburger buns.
Raise in warmed oven that was preheated to 200 (and turned off) for one hour. Leave pans in oven, and turn oven on to 375 and bake: 30 minutes for buns (I have a hamburger bun pan) 40 minutes for bread * you can rest foil over the top for the last half of the baking to prevent too browned tops.
**** Dip out ½ of the dough and make a regular loaf of bread. Add ½ cup white sugar, ½ cup of raisins and 1 to 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon….mix and bake in a loaf pan.